Saturday, April 5, 2008

Hillary in 08'!!!!

So I went to the Hillary and Barack speech last night. While I have been primarily a Hillary supporter, I was impressed with Barack's speech. In fact I remember thinking, he's got it in the bag, how can anyone beat this . . . Apparently, a lot of other people felt the same way, as a good portion of the audience left after his speech. And because there was more than an hour in between the speakers, and Hillary's arrival was late, even more people had left before she actually spoke. (And to my friend's and my chagrin and horror, several people, including several of our classmates! left during her speech.)

As is par for the course for Obama/Clinton speeches, his speech was mainly focused on the rhetoric of "hope" and "unity," while she offered more solutions for our nation's problems. Don't get me wrong, I love unity, and I have hope for our country . . . however, the problems our nation face require real, hands-on solutions, and I feel Hillary is more equipped to confront them. I know that she has fought for years to change our health care system, and has been successful in implementing a program which increased the number of children covered. Obama may have accomplished a lot in Illinois, but I am not aware of anything. Whether or not he has, we know that Hillary has put her money where her mouth is in the past; therefore, I feel more secure with her as a Presidential potential and believe that she would continue to deliver into the future.

Cas./Julie/anyone, rebuttal?


cassiecolombia said...

Ok, so this is a rather long comment that i am putting up that i wrote to myself in my notebook the other day... in short i am frustrated with both candidates. I like obama better at this point mainly because i feel he is less involved in corruption and hilary has more of military mindset and 'kill the terrorists!' type attitude. that being said obama openly supports isreal on his website And their recent invasion of lebanon. wtf? and another anti hilary is that Bill clinton created plan colombia - to boost colombia into third largest recipent of foreign aid. Bill clinton! bastard. ok, so here's my real rant "seeing obama was pretty cool, i must admit. However, I must also admit the election of one progressive president cannot change the fundamental nature of America and the power structures in place. If one does too much, they will be overthrown, discredited, or just plain seen as too radical to be dealt with. What would it take for the American people to rise up against its government? not in popular revolution, we are way to uncoordinated and unprepared for that. But in general anger and dissatisfaction? i see that day as not that far off- when oil prices skyrocket, the majority of people find their standards of living going way down, basic living standards not being met. in essence, the middle class joins the ranks of lower class America. The buffer zone falls. However, martial law then becomes implemented and we finally became the military state against internal enemies just like training and policy we spread abroad. think about it. The only reason why being American is so advantageous is not because powerful people care about the average joe. The democracy theory is kept up only as long as there is no internal dissent powerful enough to overtake the regime. Once revolt becomes a real possibility is the day when those in power will not sacrifice their power to democratic ideals"... any excuse to rant

nikki said...

Hey, thanks for the comment. I definately have the same fear that the middle class could become virtually non-existant. And my fear with Hillary would be that along with Bill, she is too politicized . . . this system that for so long was heralded as an ideal is certainly starting to show its cracks . . . I just don't know what the solution is . . .